The Advanced Media Workflow Association, Inc. (AMWA) began in January 2000 as the Advanced Authoring Format (AAF) Association, Inc. The organization's name was officially changed in May 2007 to better reflect the direction and scope of the association and its mission statement.
With worldwide representation from both media companies and their suppliers, the AMWA currently focuses on the industry move to IP based architectures. To enable software based systems to recognize and exploit devices, the AMWA has developed the Networked Media Open Specifications (NMOS). These have been created in practical workshops by the Networked Media Incubator project.
This activity complements the work of other well established technology associations, such as the Audio Engineering Society (AES), the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) and the Video Services Forum (VSF).
The AMWA continues its support for the Media Exchange Format (MXF), the Advanced Authoring Format (AAF) and the Framework for Interoperable Media Services (FIMS).
The organization maintains open membership and committee participation.
There are two documents that explain how the Advanced Media Workflow Association works:-
The guiding principles of the organisation
How we’re structured and how we work (pdf, 216k)
The interaction of the activity groups involved in key decision making and technical developments
Roles of AMWA NMOS Activity Groups and Stakeholders (pdf, 2016k)
Felix Poulin, Director, Governance and Engineering, Media Transport Architecture & Technology Lab, CBC
​Brad Gilmer, Executive Director, AMWA
Ievgen Kostiukevych, Team Leader, Media over IP and Cloud Technologies, EBU
John Mailhot, Systems Architect for IP Convergence, Imagine Communications
Andrew Starks, Director of Product Management, Macnica Americas, Inc
Gerard Phillips, Systems Engineer, Arista Networks
Peter Skyes, Strategic Technology Development, Sony
Michael J. Strein, Director, Engineering and Technology, Walt Disney Television - ABC News
Phil Tudor, Principal Technologist, British Broadcasting Corporation
Jed Deame, CEO, Nextera Video**
** taking advantage of the trial Principal membership offer (please contact Cindy Zuelsdorf for details)
Brad Gilmer, Executive Director, Brad.Gilmer@AMWA.tv
Cindy Zuelsdorf, Director, Membership & Marketing, Cindy.Zuelsdorf@AMWA.tv
Tina Lipscomb, Operations Manager, Tina.Lipscomb@AMWA.tv
AMWA Finance - Gerard Phillips, Arista, gp@arista.com
NMOS Architectural Review Group - Gareth Sylvester-Bradley, NVIDIA, garethsb@nvidia.com
NMOS Incubator - Peter Brightwell, BBC, peter.brightwell@bbc.co.uk
NMOS Steering, End User - Felix Poulin, CBC/Radio Canada, felix.poulin@radio-canada.ca