NMOS - Networked Media Open Specifications
An Introduction to the AMWA Networked Media Incubator project 4:47
Brad Gilmer, AMWA
1. Introduction to Networked Media Open Specifications 9:08
Andrew Bonney and Alex Rawcliffe, BBC R&D
An introduction to the current specifications in progress, their data model and key concepts.
2. NMOS: Discovery and Registration 8:39
Andrew Bonney and Alex Rawcliffe, BBC R&D
A robust and scalable approach to Discovery is essential element of real-world management networked media. This presentation describes how to use NMOS's Node, Registration and Query APIs for discovery, from small peer-to-peer cases to large installations.
3. NMOS: Connection Mangement 2:52
Andrew Bonney and Alex Rawcliffe, BBC R&D
NMOS allows Senders and Receivers to be connected in a transport-agnostic way. Andrew and Alex describe how to do this using the Node API.
4. NMOS: In-stream Identity and Timing 4:18
Andrew Bonney and Alex Rawcliffe, BBC R&D
NMOS provides a universal identity model for content and an end-to-end timing model, both important elements of a future-proof networked media architecture. This presentation explains these contents, and how they are mapped to media streams.
Demonstration of NMOS Registration and Discovery 3:40
Alex Rawcliffe, BBC R&D
An example of NMOS Registration and Discovery in action using software and hardware from multiple manufacturers.
Public presentations
IBC 2019, IP Showcase, curated by the Video Services Forum
NMOS Now and Next 28:43
Peter Brightwell, BBC R&D
An introduction to the AMWA Networked Media Open Specifications, including an outline of the specifications themselves, how they have been developed and tested, the state of industry adoption, and broadcaster perspectives.
AMWA NMOS Automated Testing 30:41
Andrew Bonney, BBC R&D and Gareth Sylvester-Bradley, Sony Europe
An introduction to the open source AMWA NMOS Testing Tool, which can be used to automatically ensure that Media Nodes and other appliances are adhering to the NMOS specifications.
NMOS IS-07 – GPI Replacement and Much, Much More 23:58
Miroslav Jeras, Pebble Beach Systems
IS-07 Event & Tally is part of the NMOS suite that defines how states and state changes are communicated in an IP environment. It is not only a GPI replacement but it also provides a platform for resolving many other problems broadcasters are facing in the IP transition.
Security for Discovery and Connection management of ST 2110 Media Devices 25:30
Arne Bönninghoff, Riedel Communications
This session describes the current workflow of the BCP-003 Security best practices, including proposed mechanisms to encrypt NMOS APIs with TLS to prevent man in the middle attacks. Furthermore, AMWA IS-10 is reserved to specify authorization mechanisms to secure access to NMOS APIs like IS-04, -05, or -08.
Using AMWA IS-06 for Flow Control on Professional Media Networks 26:15
Rob Porter, Sony Europe and Sachin Vishwarupe, Cisco Systems
AMWA IS-06 is an open specification for setting up and modifying flows on a professional media network, allowing the use of Software Defined Networking to both authorise and optimise network usage. This presentation describes the current IS-06 APIs and some of the future areas of development.
NAB 2019, IP Showcase, curated by the Video Services Forum
AMWA NMOS: The Whole Story 31:25
Brad Gilmer, AMWA and Peter Brightwell, BBC R&D
This talk serves as an introduction to AMWA NMOS, covering all parts of this suite of interface specifications and best practices. It also touches on why we’re creating it, the approach we’re taking, and how it’s being implemented. The AMWA IS-04 and IS-05 interfaces are now recognized as being essential to the industry’s move to interoperable live IP infrastructure. They allow control applications to automatically discover and connect networked media devices and are now mature specifications featured in many products.
AMWA NMOS IS 04 and IS 05: Things You Might Not Know 29:31
Andrew Bonney
Did you know for example, that there is no requirement for every node in a system to run the same IS-04 version? This presentation will take a look at some of the lesser-known and more advanced features of IS-04 and IS-05, along with how they may assist you in deploying anything from a small ad-hoc setup through to a large-scale multi-format facility.
AMWA BCP 003 NMOS API Security 17:03
Simon Rankine, BBC R&D
BBC Research and Development’s Simon Rankine presents an update from AMWA’s NMOS API Interoperable Security Group which is working to apply tried and tested web technologies to the APIs in order to provide APIs that are simultaneously secure and cross-vendor interoperable.
NAB 2019, AMWA Booth
Cisco IP fabric for Media 16:28
Rahul Parameswaran, Cisco
SMPTE Annual Technical Conference 2018
Scalability and Performance of the AMWA NMOS IS-04 and IS-05 Specifications 27:53
Rob Porter and Gareth Sylvester-Bradley, Sony Europe
A key requirement is that APIs such as those used for AMWA IS-04 and IS-05 scale successfully in the very large installations, typical of real world deployments. To help address this, Sony has been leading an AMWA NMOS Scalability study to test these protocols for installations comprising thousands of media devices.
SMPTE Webinar, May 2018
Exploring the Role of NMOS: Discovery and Connection in an IP World 1:32:52
Peter Brightwell
SMPTE ST 2110 specifies how to stream video, audio, and data between devices for professional applications using IP networks. How best to discover, connect, and monitor those devices? That is addressed by the Advanced Media Workflow Association (AMWA) Networked Media Open Specifications (NMOS). This SMPTE Technology Webcast will focus on how different parts of the AMWA NMOS work, in theory as well as in practice, and on how NMOS can be used in a range of applications, whether within a broadcast control room or a cloud-based workflow.
Agile Media Workflows
Introducing the AMWA Agile Media Blueprint 25:33
Richard Cartwright, Streampunk Media
Introducing the Agile Media Blueprint (AMB), a plan for how to use the same technology platform as used for the Internet to make television, OTT media systems and to enable new kinds of creativity.
A Demonstration of ZeNMOS and SDPoker 10:31
Richard Cartwright, Streampunk Media
A brief demonstration of open-source testing tools ZeNMOS and SDPoker, designed to help users and suppliers to test products that support the latest IP Standards (SMTPE ST 2110) and Specifications (AMWA NMOS IS-04).
MXF - Media Exchange Format
AS-10: MXF for Production - Acquisition to Air & Archive 8:08
Dan Shockley, CNN
A presentation by Dan Shockley from NAB 2012 on the AMWA specification 'MXF for Production', AS-10
Webinar: AMWA AS-11: Introducing the New Rules-Based Specifications 38:16
Thomas Heritage, BBC and Kevin Burrows, Channel 4
The AMWA AS-11 family of Specifications define constrained media file formats for the delivery of finished media assets to a broadcaster or publisher.
The business case for AS 11, MXF for Contribution. pt 1 of 2 13:11
Ian Wimsett, Red Bee Media
Part 1 of a presentation given by Ian Wimsett at NAB 2012. The AMWA application specification was designed to meet the needs of publisher broadcasters who may need to process content, for example segmentation, before it is ready for air.
The Business Case for AS-11: MXF for Contribution, pt 2 of 2 7:51
Ian Wimsett, Red Bee Media
A presentation by Ian Wimsett given at NAB 2012
What AS-11 DPP Product Certification Means for Your Business 23:33
IBC Panel Discussion