If you use ST 2110 or IPMX, you already rely on NMOS. Find out what else it can do for you.
Proven products from a range of suppliers.
NMOS – What's in it for you as an end user, manufacturer, or integrator?
• NMOS is the open-source "special sauce" that ensures interoperability of your IP video and audio equipment, whether you're using 2110 or IPMX. And whether locally or in the cloud. NMOS facilitates discovery, control, and monitoring of devices, and more…
• NMOS (networked media open specifications) lets equipment from different companies all work together. Since AMWA's NMOS is an open set of specifications, it gives you a significant advantage by preventing vendor lock-in. It means you can choose the equipment you prefer, and build the system that best meets your needs, without being tied to any specific manufacturer.

Defining the business need
Developing open specifications
Ensuring interoperability
Enabling networked media
Liaison Organisations